“My name is Grenade Jones. I’ve been sent here to recruit a group of civilians to help find the BLUNTCHKINS. They’re wanted for the chaos they’ve caused in a small town called Mountain Valley. They are not armed but are considered dangerous if you get too close. We’re not sure of their methods yet, but every time someone comes up missing, it’s because of an interaction with a Bluntchkin. Keep your eyes peeled! A Bluntchkin could be watching you!”
"Bluntchkins are known for …..”,
"Hey!” “There’s one now!”

“Welcome to Bluntchkinville, home of the BLUNTCHKINS.
Don’t listen to him, he’s just a steel can with a trigger.
Come on in and take a look. I’m sure we have something you’ll like.”


“Did you see that?!
It looked just like
a blunt, walking
and talking.
How can it be?
Hey there’s another one!”

“What’s up?
What’s happen’n?
What’s going on?
I see you met T-Spliff,
my sidekick. He wants to be in charge but HAHA…
Any way i'm B-Blunt, the BLUNTCHKIN Boss.
Take a look around and
see what’s calling your name. Here comes Jones, gotta go!”

"Hello, it’s me again, my
name is T-Spliff, the
Whatever I say the others do.
We’ll keep Steel Can Jones occupied. Feel free to browse safely."

Now available - FREE,with a $100.00
Coming Soon
Shroom Room - Peace Weed

"These things are SCARY and CREEPY
Be careful out there."
"I hear something."